Archive : 2015-04

Data Security - Local Server VS Cloud Computing

Posted on 2015-04-24 by Raluca G.

Databases are necessary for any company, as employees, managers and accountants operate databases everyday. Did you know that you can prevent database damage and database loss with cloud computing? Learn how you can always have your data safe, without any effort and without having to depend on a certain location and a certain computer.


Cut your costs and time spent on contract management

Posted on 2015-04-18 by Raluca G.

Stop wasting time with contracts and documents ! Choose the solution for contract management, which will not only save you a lot of time , but will also eliminate human errors. For a truly professional work, you have “Contract Templates” from ExpertAccounts ERP.


What is CRM?

Posted on 2015-04-10 by Raluca G.

If you are looking for a CRM, and you want to find out more about what is CRM, how it can help you, but also to which type of company it is suitable for, then read this article further.
Tags: crm



Apr 2015

Expert Software